Best way to do the backup
(too old to reply)
2005-06-30 09:10:53 UTC
Hi all,

I am newbie for using ESX server. I am looking at the ways how to do the
backup virtual disks. How can I recover from catastrophic failures in which
your entire virtual machine is damaged? What do I need to do? Could you guys
provide some links or documentations to me to do the above things? Finally,
I cannot successfully export virtual disk by vmkfstools.

Thank you.
2005-07-19 11:40:00 UTC
Hi there,

have a look at http://www.vmts.net and you will find all the things
prepared for you
Regards Heinz Rienhardt
Post by wo
Hi all,
I am newbie for using ESX server. I am looking at the ways how to do the
backup virtual disks. How can I recover from catastrophic failures in
which your entire virtual machine is damaged? What do I need to do? Could
you guys provide some links or documentations to me to do the above
things? Finally, I cannot successfully export virtual disk by vmkfstools.
Thank you.